Monday 9 January 2012

Time Travel and Other Randomness

Today I began a week of vacation from work.  This will be a nice change of pace for me.  The other day at work I spent some time on the phone trying to set up someone to view their account online.  When it came time to type some in some numbers the gentleman asked me if I he needed to type in the zeroes, and I told him he did.  Then he proceeds to ask me: "Is that upper-case or lower case zeroes?"

The call lasted 45 minutes.

So yeah, this is a nice change of pace.

I was looking thru the to-do list on my phone, which has piled up quite high recently, when I came across one item in particular that caught my attention:

"7:10pm, 12/06/2011; re: time travel to Josh's car"

It was then I had remembered the lively debate me and a friend of mine were having while driving in his car about whether or not time travel was actually possible.  The discussion went back and forth until I finally told him that I was going to make a note of the exact date and time and time travel to the back seat of his car and pop up in about 30 seconds just to prove him wrong.  I was pretty disappointed when my future self didn't show up to help me out in my debate.  What a jerk!

Either that or I simply never get around to inventing backwards time travel.  In my head though I've always lived in the future or in the past and never quite in the present.  Really though we're all time travellers, moving forward into the future one millisecond at a time.  The trick is making the most of that millisecond and letting each successive one determine what our future will be like.  In other words, the key to living in the future is living in the present, and key to living in the present is learning from our past.  As Doctor Brown once told Marty McFly, our future hasn't been written yet, it's whatever we make of it.  So make it a good one.

That doesn't mean I won't still continue my work on time travel, if only to spite Josh.

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