Thus, with a heavy heart, I walked up to another friend of mine who was particularly eager to see this relationship end. I knew that she would want nothing more than for things to go back to the way there were before. I could not end this alone and was certain that she would provide the needed help to break free.
Me: "So you know that friend I have that you keep begging me to get rid of?"
Friend: "Yes!"
Me: "Well... I've decided that the day to do so has finally come."
Friend: "YES!"
Me: "I remembered how you said you always wanted to be there when that day came."
Friend: "Yes!"
Me: "So... can you help me?"
Friend: "I sure can. When do we get rid of it?"
Me: "I was thinking of shaving off my mustache in about a week from now."
Friend: "I'm so there!"
Yes, the time had finally come to shave off my mustache. I had grown my new friend about halfway into my 9 week Mexico trip. It was the first time I had ever truly grown one and I was quite pleased with the results. I got many compliments upon returning to Canada, including one I won't soon forget.
"I'm not hitting on you or anything Rick, but man I have to say you look fantastic with that mustache!" --Male coworker
However we all know that for every supporter there's bound to be a hater as well. I had a few, including the friend to whom I was now turning for assistance. I had also been thinking of cutting my hair around the same time so as to transform my look completely. I had considered going to a barber at first, but I made the mistake of having the following conversation:
Me: "I'm also thinking of getting a haircut at the same time. Do you cut hair at all?"
Friend: "Of course. I cut people's hair all the time."
Me: "Are you sure?"
Friend: "Absolutely! I have all the stuff for it."
Me (Trustingly): "Oh cool... okay bring your stuff and we'll do it up."
The day came and we got ready. We took a few before shots.
(I look so calm, cool, and collected)
The Barber and I.
Enjoying my last few moments with my mustache to the full.
The closest approximation I could find to one of those barber capes were my shower curtains. So I tied them around me, sat down on a chair in my kitchen, and prepared for the worst.
In retrospect I probably should have had a mirror at the ready, as these photos clearly demonstrate. My slow descent down the rabbit hole though had only begun.
*My friends, laughing*
Me (becoming slightly alarmed): "What's so funny guys?"
Friend: "Oh um, nothing... nothing at all."
Me: "There's obviously something going on, what's up?"
Friend: "Nothing, don't worry about it. I can fix it."
Me: "Fix it? Fix what??"
Friend: "Relax I know what I'm doing."
So I sat back and tried to calm down a little. I was growing more and more nervous by the minute, but I trusted my friends to do the right thing. How misplaced that trust was.
*Buzzing sounds*
Me: "So... how's it going up there."
Friend: "Um... fine?"
Me: "Are you asking me or telling me?"
Friend: "No no it's going great, trust me."
Me: "You know you keep saying that but so far you've given me no basis for such faith."
Other Friend: "Uh guys? I think I can see a bald spot."
Me: "A bald spot! What are you talking about??"
Friend: "I can fix it relax."
Me: "Relax? How can I relax when I'm being shaved bald by own friends???
Other Friend: "What do I have to do with this?"
Me: "You're allowing it to happen!"
At this point, the situation was looking pretty grim.
Me: "Eat barber hair and fury!"
Friend: "AAACK!" *spitting* "I can taste your hair, it's all in my mouth! THBT THBT THBT" (Spitting noises)
Me: "Bwa ha ha haaaaa!"
Revenge is sweet.
Me after escaping to my bathroom.
Unfortunately though it turned out that I was just as useless at cutting hair as my friend was. Finally the cameraman, aka. Other Friend spoke up.
Other Friend: "Rick... sit back down and I'll finish cutting your hair."
Rick: "How do I know I can trust you not to screw things up further?"
Other Friend: "Well I can't do any worse than she did."
For some reason this seemed to make logical sense at the time. I sat down and allowed Other Friend to work his magic.
In the end I had lost far more hair than I had initially hoped to. But I knew that my hair grows quicker than mold in my basement apartment. Also, not bald! I decided to count my blessings.
I had survived the blade, vanquished the Barber, and came out relatively unscathed. My Herculean-style labours however were not quite over.
Friend: "Ok we're finally ready to shave the stache."
Me: "I think you lost that privilege when you nearly shaved my head!"
Friend: "No no this is simple. This time if I shave it all off it's ok."
Me: "What if you take my upper lip with it in the process?"
Friend: "Well then you'll be glad you grew a mustache while you had the chance."
Me: "I think I'll just shave it mysel--"
Before I could complete that sentence my friend practically lunged at me with the buzzer. I let out a muffled scream as she held my head back and tore into my mustache with furious abandon. I managed to escape her once again though. I stumbled into the bathroom and tried to reach for the razor. My friend beat me to it though.
Friend: "Here you big baby! I'll do it for you"
Me: *Sigh* "Fine go ahead."
Friend: "I just have one quick question first."
Me: "What is it?"
Friend: "Are you supposed to go up or down when you shave?"
I snatched the razor out of her hand in horror. The time had come to take matters into my own hands. Again.
And so, with a few swift final strokes, it was finally over. I looked down at the masacre that lay before me.
I miss my mustache already.
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