Here in Nova Scotia we have this little flyer you can get at most coffee shops and fast food places called the Flying Cow.
I'm sure there's a joke in there somewhere but it's not coming to me right now.
In one of their recent editions they printed a different front page but kept all the other pages from their flyer last week. Each week they print trivia on the front page, with the answers to the questions usually found on the inside cover. Needless to say, it made for some interesting answers to the trivia questions. I've listed 4 of the 5 below and their corresponding answers:
1) What musical movie has the song "It's the Hard-Knock Life"?
If you answered "Annie" you are wrong! The answer is actually "80.5km", a movie about a bunch of orphans who hijack a school bus and other stuff happens and also there's Jay-Z.
2) What drug did the University of Pennsylvania animal-behaviour clinic prescribe for depressed dogs?
The answer: "1960s". Because nothing says mind-bending drugs for canines like the 1960s.
4) Whose marriage was headlined in Variety as "Egghead weds Hourglass"?
The answer:
What the...?
5) What two-word term is defined as "the lowest possible temperature"?
In the past I would have said "absolute zero" but according to Flying Cow I'm dead wrong. The real answer is actually Truman Capote.
So now when you feel chilled, instead of saying "Man is it freezing in here!" you can say "Man it sure is Truman Capote in this place!"
I don't know how to end this post so I will simply end it with the following picture:
Also, you're welcome.